KARNATAKA: BUSINESS SUCCESS: AGRICULTURE to RESTAURANTS: From Software Coding to Culinary Success: The success story of Mallikarjun Hatti, an Engineer’s Farm-to-Plate idea in a hotel the ‘Siridhanya Hallimane’, Vijayapura

We have come across many instances of highly-paid engineers leaving their jobs in foreign countries and coming back to India to start their own businesses. While not many succeed in their endeavour, some like Mallikarjun Hatti from Vijayapura in Karnataka do.

Mallikarjun used to work as a software engineer in the United States and used to earn Rs 3.5 lakh per month. His yearly income was nearly half a crore Rupees! Yet he chose to return to his motherland to start something of his own. When he came back to India, his neighbours and friends laughed at him and his ideas.

Mallikarjun’s family was also tense because a sudden change in the domain could cause a lack of funds. He joined the US-based software company in 2008 and returned to India in 2013 after resigning from the company. In 2018, he started farming. He grew cereals and millet on his farmland. Later, he decided to start his own business by selling millet and cereals. 

Startup based on a Farm-to-Plate theme

Mallikarjun had many ideas regarding his startup. He selected the Farm-to-Plate theme, in which he decided to sell cereals as food to the people. Initially, people did not give heed to his ideas and startup. After a few days, he initiated another idea to start a hotel based on the millet he grew and serve only cereal and millet-based food items.

The hotel surged in business during the Covid pandemic. The season that impacted many people, turned out to be good fortune for Mallikarjun. He provided the best quality food items, which people appreciated. The health benefits of the millet are many. During the pandemic, there was an urge among people to eat healthy food. 

His hotel, ‘Siridhanya Hallimane’ became very famous in the locality. His efforts finally started to pay out during the pandemic, as the people who did not pay any heed to him initially, started to turn towards a healthy lifestyle when the pandemic hit them hard.

He started the hotel ‘Siridhanya Hallimane’ at Golagumbaz Road in Vijayapura. He prepares the food with the 9 variants of millets he grows on his own farmland. Government officials, travellers and other customers are regular to the hotel. Everyone wants a healthy alternative to the foods they consume every day. 

Mallikarjun does not add any kind of chemical or tasty ingredients to his food and believes in serving the food naturally. Snacks and lunch are prepared in the hotel with arka, Udalu, Navane and other millets. People suffering from BP and diabetes come here and enjoy nutritious food.

Earning 7.5 lakh per month!

Mallikarjun used to earn Rs 3.5 lakh per month while he was in the US. His decision to leave the high-paying job was very challenging in the initial days. Due to his visionary startup ideas, the hotel ‘Siridhanya Hallimane’ is today very popular. People from far and wide travel to Vijayapura to visit his hotel and enjoy the food. 

There are currently 20 workers at the hotel and Mallikarjun earns Rs 7.5 lakh per month, through the business. He has also started a food processing unit and wants to extend his hotel as a franchise to other cities as well.

source/content: newsable.asianetnews.com (headline edited) / Asianet Newsable