GLOBAL RECORDS: INDIA RECORDS: KARNATAKA RECORDS : India-born Scientist & Conservation Biologist Kamal Bawa Elected to US National Academy of Sciences

Conservation biologist Kamal Bawa has been elected to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Kamal Bawa is president of the Bengaluru-based Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment (ATREE) as well as an elected fellow of the Royal Society (London) and the American Philosophical Society.

“The election is a reaffirmation of our important work on the ecology, conservation, and management of tropical forests that are declining all over the world but are critical to humanity’s well-being,” said Dr. Bawa.

A few years ago, Dr. Bawa brought together scientists from India’s leading institutions to develop the National Mission on Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing under the banner of the Biodiversity Collaborative.

The effort was supported by the office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, and is currently funded by the Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies.

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INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION: INDIA RECORDS: KARNATAKA RECORDS: Musical duo Bengaluru based Lucky Ali and New Zealand’s Mikey McCleary, Collaborating Again for an Album, ‘Intezaar’.

Musical duo Lucky Ali and Mikey McCleary, who first worked together on O Sanam, is collaborating again after almost 11 years for an album, Intezaar, the first song of which is out and trending.

Lucky Ali turns to music to express himself. He might never be in a hurry to create tunes, but Ali makes sure the wait is worth it. The singer is now out with his latest album Intezaar, which has touched over 2 million views.      

Ali’s loungey music has always been popular among music lovers and Intezaar has something to it that makes it a crowd-puller too. The music of the album is by composer and long-time associate Mikey McCleary. The first time McCleary and Ali worked together was for the singer’s first album Sunoh in 1996, which created magic with the song O Sanam. The duo subsequently went on to work on many projects but is back together after a long break.

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GLOBAL INVESTMENT : KARNATAKA RECORDS. INDIA : California-based Applied Materials, USA Acquires Land in Bengaluru for ₹350 crore

California-based Applied Materials has invested ₹350 crore ($50 million) to purchase land in Whitefield in Bengaluru where it is planning to expand its engineering infrastructure.

The company said the expansion would boost its next phase of growth in India.

“We expect this investment to support future product development and R&D, as well as benefit the development of the local supply chain,’‘ said Srinivas Satya, country president and Managing Director, Applied Materials India at Semicon India 2022 in Bengaluru on April 29.

Indian Government’s mission mode approach to evolve the country’s semiconductor sector, together with the ease-of-business initiatives and scaling up of indigenous electronics end-manufacturing, were positive and practical steps to enable its Semiconductor Mission, he added.

Applied Materials supplies equipment, services and software for the manufacture of semiconductor (integrated circuit) chips for electronics, flat panel displays for computers, smartphones, televisions, and solar products.

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INDIA RECORDS: HEALTH & MEDICAL SCIENCES: Dr. Rohit Shetty, Bengaluru based Doctor-Scientist, Vice Chairman of Narayana Nethralaya, is the First Kannadiga to be included in ‘The Ophthalmologist Power List 2022’

The Ophthalmologist Power List 2022 is a roll call of achievers in clinical practice and vision research.

Bengaluru-based cornea-refractive surgeon and translational scientist Rohit Shetty has been named as one of the Top 100 most inspiring and influential ophthalmologists of the world by The Ophthalmologist magazine. Dr Shetty is the first Kannadiga to make it to the ‘power list’.

The Ophthalmologist Power List 2022 is a roll call of achievers in clinical practice and vision research. The list is prepared from a lineup of 450 names by an international panel of 20 judges.

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WORLD RECORDS: HEALTH & MEDICAL SCIENCES: Guinness World Record to Dr. Shanthala Thuppanna of Sakra World Hospital for the Highest Number of Fibroids Removed

A 34-year-old journalist and former TV anchor, Ritika Sharma from Bengaluru, has set a new Guinness World Record for getting the highest number of fibroids removed from her uterus. The patient had 236 fibroids removed, which included a large cauliflower-shaped fibroid measuring up to 20 X 20 X 10 cm and many other smaller fibroids of different sizes, weighing 2,250 grams in total. 

This complex surgical procedure was performed in October last year by Shanthala Thuppanna, Senior Consultant and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Sakra World Hospital in Bengaluru.

The title certificate was presented by Guinness World Record adjudicator Swapnil Dangarikar to the patient and her doctor in the city on Thursday

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ARTS & CULTURE: FIRST: Rahul Amin’s ‘Raj Sounds and Lights’ First Tulu Movie to Premiere in 11 countries

The World Tulu premiere of Rahul Amin directorial Raj Sounds and Lights will be held in 11 countries and 6 major cities in India

The inauguration will be held on April 24 at Hotel Marco Polo Al Mateena St Deira, Dubai and the invitation of the same was released on Monday, April 18.

The premiere will be in USA, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Kuwait, Nigeria, Zambia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, UAE ( Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah) and Oman.

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ARTS & CULTURE: HISTORY: Prof. Ravi Korisettar, NIAS-Bengaluru, gets MP Government’s Dr. Vishnu Sridhar Wakankar National Award

Ravi Korisettar, adjunct professor at NIAS, Bengaluru, and honorary director of Robert Bruce Foote Sanganakallu Archaeological Museum, Ballari, has been chosen by the Madhya Pradesh Government for the Dr. Vishnu Sridhar Wakankar national award for 2018.

Prof. Korisettar served in the Department of History and Archaeology, Karnatak University, Dharwad, from 1989 to 2013.

His discovery of the youngest Toba tuff (YTT), volcanic ash of Sumatra origin, in peninsular river deposits has been hailed as a ‘great discovery’ and its significance in dating the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic has brought the Indian subcontinent to the forefront of the debate on the expansion of modern humans out of Africa.

Prof. Korisettar is credited with the discovery of a large number of prehistoric painted rock shelters in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh which led to a series of investigations on identifying suitable dating methods for rock art and understanding the non-material culture of the authors of these paintings.

He was co-editor of Quaternary Environments and Geoarchaeology of India (Geological Society of India,1995), The Rise of Early Human Behaviour in Global Context (Routledge,1998), Indian Archaeology in Retrospect (ICHR and Manohar [4 volumes], 2001/2), and a special issue of Quaternary International (vol. 258, 2011) and editor of  Beyond Stone and More Stones (Vo. 1: 2017 and Vol. 2: 2018).

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ARTS & CULTURE : The 2nd International Belagavi Poetry Festival to go Online.

Last date May 22nd, 2022

The second edition of the International Belagavi Poetry Festival will be held online this year. Rostrum Diaries by GubbiBoo, a platform for arts and poetry, has invited writers to send their entries to the festival.

Poetry in English, Hindi, Kannada, and Marathi can be submitted. There is no age limit. The top 200 poems will be published free of cost in the BPF booklet.

Every performer will get the e-copy of the participation certificate and the same shall be emailed after the valedictory function.

The last date to register is May 22, 2022. Details can be had from or 9986186781.

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GUINNESS WORLD RECORD: ‘Most Pledges Plaque to Manipal’s Kasturba Hospital of Stroke Awareness Programme’

Stroke is an important non-communicable disease. One in four adults will experience a stroke in their lifetime. To raise the awareness about stroke, on the eve of World Stroke day October 29, 2021, Department of Neurosciences, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal conducted a stroke awareness campaign.

Kasturba Hospital, Manipal along with various other institutions in India participated in creating stroke pledges for awareness through a stroke assessment App as an initiative taken by BoehringerIngelheim India, and attempted to create a Guinness World Record of ‘Most pledges received for a stroke awareness campaign’.

Kasturba Hospital, Manipal gave significant contributions and by creating a total of 17,691 pledges all over India, a Guinness World Record was successfully created.

The hospital also conducted stroke screening activities by Blood pressure and blood sugar check along with stroke awareness and education to over 500 patients/participants attending KH OPD. The pledge registration for all attempts was held on the portal

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GLOBAL – FIRST IN INDIA: Bengaluru, First Indian City to join the global Silk City Network

Bengaluru has become the first Indian city to get into the global network of silk cities, celebrated French textile artist Isabelle Moulin said in Kolkata, expressing hope that in the next few years West Bengal’s Murshidabad district — known to produce fine silk in the over the past 300 years — may join the global silk city network.

“Two days ago, I launched the membership of Bengaluru — the first Indian city in the global Silk City network.

Now, we have nine countries and 13 cities.

If everything goes fine, then with time, I hope ‘Murshidabad Silk’ too can make it to the network.

The network helps artisans and craftsmen to exchange knowledge, build trade relations and understand various craftsmanship techniques,” Ms. Moulin said during an interactive session with select media persons at Kolkata’s Oxford Bookstore.

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