NATIONAL: KARNATAKA: C V Raman’s tablas, explosives used in World War I: Bengaluru’s Sci560 exhibition showcases city’s scientific heritage

Karnataka Science and Technology Minister N S Boseraju inaugurated Sci560 at Science Gallery Bengaluru on August 24.

Science Gallery Bengaluru began an exhibition at its Bellary Road premises to showcase the city’s science history. The exhibition named Sci560, after the city’s PIN code of 560, was inaugurated by Karnataka Science and Technology Minister N S Boseraju. Other prominent guests at the event included Rohini Nilekani and Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, who sit on the Gallery’s board, and Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi.

The exhibition spans a broad and varied cross-section of the city’s scientific history. For instance, the nearly two-century-old tradition of brewing is represented by an ongoing fermentation process from Scoby Labs, in the form of a container of kombucha that visitors can taste at different points in its fermentation. A couple of rooms over is a Bangalore torpedo contributed by the Madras Engineer Group. These long explosive devices were developed in World War I to remove battlefield obstructions such as barbed wire fortifications.

Other interesting exhibits are a set of tablas owned by Sir CV Raman, sitting a few feet away from a set of ‘Simputers,’ touch-screen devices developed in the early 2000s that heralded the upcoming smartphone age. Nature lovers will also be glad to see a display titled ‘Wingbeats and Warbles’, matching the sounds of birds to the parts of the city where they are likely to be heard.

According to Gallery director Jahnavi Phalkey, this exhibition is the first one at the Gallery to lean more towards the historical side, with the hope that more additions can be made as it goes on. She said, “There are many people that know far more than we do about science in this city….we have a project called Recollect, where my colleagues will be collecting stories, objects, etc. And at the end of the exhibition, we will have this entire collection of stories, objects and documents that will allow us to present a more comprehensive story of what science is in the city.”

Speaking to the media on the inauguration day, Nilekani said, “We needed some way to bring the city and its institutions close. Even people just coming to Bangalore need to feel like they are part of what is happening. This is about fostering a culture of scientific exploration along with ordinary citizens.”

source/content: (headline edited)

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