KARNATAKA: AGRICULTURE: Unsung Heroes: Meet the Tunnel Man of India who transformed barren Karnataka hill into bountiful farms

Amai Mahalinga Naik, 79, is credited for transforming an arid sloping hill in into a fertile farm through innovative zero-energy micro-irrigation system by digging ‘surangas’.

Speaking of tunnels in Bengluru’s context can possibly be ‘disastrous’ as pointed out by some, but for Dakshina Kannada’s Amai Mahalinga Naik, 79, tunnels have been a tipping point of agricultural success and a story of great perseverance. Naik, a farmer from the small village of Adyanadka, has transformed a once-barren hilltop into a lush, thriving oasis. Known as the ‘Tunnel Man of Karnataka’, Naik is credited for transforming an arid sloping hill into a fertile farm through the innovative zero-energy micro-irrigation system.

From Humble Beginnings

Naik’s early life was far from easy. Born in 1945 in a remote village in Dakshina Kannada, Naik grew up without the privilege of formal education. Naik said that he usually spent his early years working as an agricultural labourer. He would pluck areca nuts and coconuts in and around his village, eking out a meager living through sheer hard work and determination. Despite the hardships, Naik’s sincerity and work ethic did not go unnoticed. In 1978, Amai Mahabala Bhat, a local landlord, recognised Naik’s dedication and gifted him two acres of barren land perched atop a hill. The land, though barren and desolate, represented an opportunity—an opportunity that Naik was determined to seize.

The challenge of water scarcity

The land Naik received came with one significant challenge: the absence of nearby water sources. For a farmer, water is life, and without it, the land was virtually useless. But Naik, undeterred by the odds, set out on a mission to find water where none seemed to exist. The idea of digging tunnels to access groundwater was not new in the region. In fact, there was an age-old tradition in the area of digging horizontal tunnels into hillocks, known locally as Surangas to tap into underground water sources. However, the process was labour-intensive, risky, and often yielded little success. Nevertheless, Naik took up the challenge with unwavering resolve.

Six attempts and a breakthrough

Naik’s early attempts at digging tunnels were met with disappointment. He dug five Surangas, each extending at least 35 meters into the hillside, only to find that they were dry. With each tunnel, he learned more about the land and its hidden secrets. Finally, in his sixth attempt, Naik struck water. The tunnel, which extended 315 feet into the hill, tapped into a reliable source of groundwater. This moment was a turning point for Naik and his farm. The water from the tunnel was channeled through a zero-energy micro-irrigation system that Naik had ingeniously developed, allowing him to cultivate the land and transform it into a green oasis.

“When faced with barren land and a lack of resources, many would have given up. But I saw it as an opportunity to prove that with determination, even the harshest environment can be transformed,” said Naik.

But Naik’s work didn’t stop there. After securing a consistent water supply for his crops, he dug yet another tunnel, this time to provide water for drinking and household use. His relentless pursuit of water, combined with his innovative irrigation system, earned the moniker ‘The Tunnel Man of Karnataka’.

Transforming Barren Land into a Model Farm

With water now flowing through his land, Naik set about transforming the barren hilltop into a thriving agricultural haven. He single-handedly constructed around 300 percolation trenches in the surrounding hills, ensuring that rainwater was captured and stored to recharge the groundwater table. He also built two stone revetments and a 12,000-litre capacity tank to manage and distribute the water effectively.

Today, his farm is a lush landscape of areca nut palms, coconut trees, cashew trees, banana saplings, and pepper vines. The once-desolate plot of land has become a model for sustainable farming, attracting over 1,000 visitors each year, including farmers, environmentalists, and tourists from around the world. “People often ask me how I managed to dig tunnels through solid rock without any formal training. My answer is simple: nature is both our greatest challenge and our greatest ally. It tests us, but it also rewards those who respect it and work in harmony with it. My tunnels were not just about finding water – they were about understanding the land and listening to what it needed,” said Naik.

Step farming and honey bee farming

One of the major highlights of Naik’s farm is the adoption of ‘step farming’ that incorporates a series of steps on the slopes known as terraces or steps. This helps in conserving soil and water and additionally reduces the dependency on electricity for irrigation of crops. “One of the major advantages of step farming is that it increases the surface area of sunlight needed for the crops. Moreover, irrigation can be carried out without the help of electricity. It also reduces soil erosion and sedimentation,” said Naik.

Further, if you are in Naik’s farm you cannot escape the buzzing of the bees. His farm is home to 10 honey bee boxes, which are integral to the pollination process. They carry the pollen from one plant to the other aiding in the pollination process contributing for a good yield in his farm.

“I believe in living a minimalistic and simple lifestyle. My wife and I consume what we grow and we depend very little on the outside market for our daily essentials. I strongly believe in passing on this organic and sustainable farming practices to the upcoming generations and encourage more youngsters to take up sustainable farming models to make the world a better place,” said Naik.

source/content: indianexpress.com (headline edited)

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