Bengaluru-based cinematographer Nethra Gururaj selected for 2024 Oscar Academy Gold Rising Program

Nethra Gururaj, currently based in Los Angeles, has a diverse portfolio that includes short films, feature films, documentaries and music videos.

The world of cinematography is about to witness an exhilarating new talent from South India as Nethra Gururaj, a dynamic cinematographer from Bengaluru, has been selected for the prestigious 2024 Oscar Academy Gold Rising Program. This honour places her among the most promising young filmmakers and cinematographers globally, highlighting her significant achievements and potential.

Nethra Gururaj, currently based in Los Angeles, has a diverse portfolio that includes short films, feature films, documentaries, music videos, and experimental pieces. With a Master’s degree in Cinematography from the New York Film Academy, Los Angeles, she has skilfully combined her knowledge in writing, directing, and production design to create visually stunning narratives that resonate deeply with audiences.

The Oscar Academy Gold Rising Program is a two-month internship hosted by the Academy in Hollywood, Los Angeles. It offers students and recent film school graduates a unique opportunity to shadow industry professionals, network with key figures in the film industry, and connect with production and media houses. Nethra’s selection for the Cinematography production track marks a significant milestone in her career.

“It’s an incredible opportunity to take my filmmaking and cinematography career to the next level. Coming from South India, this is a platform for me to build the right networks and meet the right people to tell my stories to a global audience. I am thrilled and privileged to be part of this program, as this will accelerate my career to greater heights,” says Nethra.

Nethra’s recent short film, “Jasmine Flowers,” for which she was the Writer and Cinematographer, has already made waves in the film festival circuit. The film has been selected for six film festivals in 2024, including the California Women’s Film Festival in Los Angeles, the Nevada Women’s Film Festival in Las Vegas, the Through Women’s Eyes Film Festival in Sarasota, Florida, and the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, Australia.

“Jasmine Flowers” explores a woman’s journey in challenging societal norms of widowhood in India, seeking belongingness and peace. Her academic background in Science has further enhanced her technical understanding of cinematography, making her a budding pioneer in her field. Nethra’s first feature film, “Lotus,” an indie production, is set to make its film festival debut soon. She is also working on an upcoming web series anticipated to be picked up by a renowned network. Beyond her achievements in filmmaking, Nethra is deeply passionate about Indian classical dance. A dedicated student of Bharatanatyam for 22 years and a teacher for 2 years, she finds a profound connection between dance and cinematography.

“Bharatanatyam has helped me in expressing meaning without dialogue. My face, body, persona, and stage presence are mere characters in a narrative effort. Much like in filmmaking; I strive for expression through composition, light, and camera movement in lieu of conversations and dialogue. Dance has set the standards for my craft,” she says.

Nethra Gururaj’s journey is an inspiring testament to her talent, dedication, and vision. Her selection for the 2024 Oscar Academy Gold Rising Program heralds the arrival of a powerful new voice in global cinema.

source/content: (headline edited)

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