KARNATAKA: ARTS & CULTURE: Accomplished Clarinet Musician Pandit Narasimhalu Vadavati Selected for the 2nd ‘Bidari Endowment Award’ 2022

Pandit Narasimhalu Vadavati, a well-known clarinet musician, has been selected for the Bidari Endowment Award given by the Bidar District Cultural Forum. The award carries ₹15,000 in cash and a citation. It will be presented to Pt. Vadavati at the Bidari Utsav 2022 to be held between August 12 and 14 in Bidar.

“It is the second year that the Bidari Endowment Award is being presented.

The first year’s award was given to Pt. Vaikuntadatta Maharaj, a Bidar-based musician.

The selection of Pt. Narasimhalu Vadavati for the second year’s award was unanimous. The Raichur-based clarinet player belongs to Jaipur and Gwalior Gharanas.

He had presided over the international clarinet musicians conference held in the United States,” Rekha Apparao Sowdi, president of the District Cultural Forum, said in a media release on Tuesday.

source/content: thehindu.com (headline edited)

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